Raybae Officially Launches

December 14 marks a remarkably beautiful day in the skincare industry. After years of collaboration with glamour and beauty industry professionals to bring to market a product line that is safe and effective, the new women’s natural clean beauty skincare line Raybae is launched. In an effort to put the spotlight on all women who deserve a more inclusive, positive, and enabling definition and standard of beauty, Raybae enters the consumer market space with an intention to change the conversation about what beauty entails.
Co-founder Jay Ablah emphasizes the essence behind Raybae as “kindness, and the idea that beauty is not a reflection in the mirror.” In a sea of products with sub-par ingredients and superficial intentions, Raybae is joining the skincare industry to make a difference. Raybae stands united with women, in their accomplishments and struggles, and in their beautiful, individual journeys.
Raybae products are carefully made in the United States. The unique and pristine ingredients are chosen and sourced from all over the world, with some ingredients coming from faraway places like Australia and Asia. Jay Ablah commented, “We are constantly looking for the best ingredients and resources based on quality and keeping in mind the importance of renewability without harming the environment.”
Raybae is a new, natural skincare option for women who want to better connect to the thoughtful actions they take for the good of themselves or others. Interpreting kindness as light, Raybae encompasses/embraces the light of the sun that powers the plants that become the active ingredients to fill their creams, masks, and serums. “It’s the spark we hope to ignite in a woman’s eyes when she sees her skin looking more radiant than ever. It’s the warmth we’ll help her put into the world by connecting her to impactful non-profits.”
Purchase of Raybae products is currently available across North America and is expected to quickly be available for sale and shipment to 60 other countries. Raybae is designed to be a multi-national brand with launches planned for the Asia Pacific region and Europe in the near future.
The beauty industry has always told women that beauty is defined by what they look like, but at Raybae, “Beauty Is What You Do”. It’s the kindness you share everyday. Jay Ablah adds, “We are excited to be part of the ongoing conversation about beauty, and to stand with women everywhere.” Raybae, as an innovative natural care line that looks beyond the skin, stands in the declaration that when we act beautifully, we are beautiful.
Find the Raybae natural skincare line at https://www.raybae.com/ and discover the beauty that kindness can bring to your view. To join this new community, feel free to reach out to Raybae or find them on Facebook and Instagram.